15+ Years of Experience

As Strong as Steel

400.000 tons Annual Capacity

We Are at Your Service With Ferineks Kocaeli and Manisa Steel Service Centers

20+ Industries Being Served

A Wide Material Range of Local and Global Origin

A Steel Service Center Specialized on Cold Rolled and Coated Flat Steel

With its facilities located in Kocaeli and Manisa TURKEY, Ferineks offers Slitted and Cut to Length Steel Products to its domestic and foreign customers in the Cold Rolled, Galvanized, Galvannealed, Aluzinc, Alusi, Magnelis, PPGI and Non Grain Oriented Electrical Steel Product Groups.

400000 +

Tons Annual Process Capacity

500 +

Satisfied Customer

20 +

Industries Served

Our Products

Ferineks Steel offers Slit and Cut Steel Products in the Domestic and International Markets in the Product Group of Silicon Steel (Electrical Steel), Galvanized (+Z), Galvanil (+ZF), Aluzinc, Alusi, Aluminum Silicon, Zinc, Magnesium Alloys, Cold Rolled Sheet (CRS), Enameled CRS (EC, ED), Hot Rolled, Pickled Sheet (HRP), and Painted Sheet for its customers.

Our Services

"Ferineks Steel offers Cut and Slit Steel Products in the Domestic and Foreign Markets within the Product Group of Silicon Steel (Electrical Steel), Galvanized (+Z), Galvanil (+ZF), Aluzinc, Alusi, Aluminum Silicon, Zinc, Magnesium Alloys, Cold Rolled Sheet (CRS), Enameled CRS (EC,ED), Hot Rolled, Pickled Sheet (HRP), and Painted Sheet. They provide services such as Slitting, Cutting, Mechanical Testing, Customer Technical Services, Testing, and Homologation for their customers."

Cut to Length

The process of producing rectangular/square shaped steel sheets by cutting steel coils or bands in accordance with the customer's requirements is called cut to length service.


The process of making narrow strips out of an input coil in line with the customer's requirements is called steel slitting operation.

Mechanical Test

One of key elements based on the classification of flat steels is their mechanical properties.

After Sales Technical Services

Customer feedback is a very valuable input to achieve higher service levels according to Ferineks quality perspective.

Trials and Homologation

Sometimes it might be necessary to go through a course of trial and homologation in businesses that have just started production or aiming to process new steel types.

About us

Ferineks, metal, çelik fabrikası

Ferineks is a multilocation steel service center incorporated in 2007. Its main goal is to become one of the fastest steel service companies in ‘Iron and Steel Market' with no compromise. We strive to be a reliable, transparent and competitive partner in local and global scale for steel and iron products.

Today, Ferineks operates out of 2 locations one in Gebze/Turkey and the other in Manisa/Turkey. Machine park of Ferineks consists of 2 slitting lines and 2 cutting lines in total.

Ferineks Gebze location has a laboratory for testing incoming products. Our laboratory is equipped with a coating thickness measurement device and a ZWICK...

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Blog and News

Sizler için hazırladığımız blog yazılarımızda freineks son haberler, ürünlerimiz hakkında bilgiler ve daha fazlasını bulabilirsiniz.


Çelik İşleme Yöntemleri Nelerdir? 02/08/2024

Çelik İşleme Yöntemleri Nelerdir? Bu yazımızda ülkemizde de sıklıkla kullanılan çelik işleme yöntemleri hakkında bilgi vereceğiz. 1.Kaynaklama, iki veya daha fazla malzemenin, genellikle metal veya plastik, ısı ve/veya basınç kullanarak
sıcak haddelenmiş çelik

Sıcak Haddelenmiş Çelikler 26/01/2024

SICAK HADDELENMİŞ ÇELİKLER Sıcak haddeleme işlemi, önceden dökümü tamamlanmış çeliğin yeniden kristalleşme sıcaklığının üzerinde ısıtılarak, istenilen şekil ve boyutlara getirilmesini sağlayan bir metalurjik prosesdir. Haddeleme